This blog is to follow the process of renovating our new home.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well, Jeff was able to get a few more outlets working, but we have power in only 45% of the house now, instead of 25%.

On the plus side, Jeff has talked to our electrician friend, Ray, who is going to be able to come by and look at the electrical work and see if something needs to be done about it right away or if he can do some sort of quick fix for it. Ray also priced us out a cost that he would charge us to rewire the house (sort of). He told us that the materials cost about $1,000. He didn't tell us what he would charge for his services, but I'm fairly optimistic! We're not doing the rewiring before we move in, though, which is okay. As long as we CAN move in, that is the main thing.

On the minus side, Jeff and his friend, Paul, took down the back splash in the kitchen. I didn't really care if it stayed up, but I didn't really mention this to Jeff, and Jeff thought I would want it down (because it's really not that attractive), so he and Paul took it down. But what is behind that back splash... well, I'm not really sure. They did it last night, and I'm going to the house this morning. When I asked Jeff last night, he just said, "You'll see it when you go to the house tomorrow morning." I guess he couldn't describe it. We'll see later on!

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