This blog is to follow the process of renovating our new home.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Since Jeff has been working full time this past week, he didn't have time to go to the house to do anything. And since I have Alexander full time; I can't really go to the house to prime or paint with him with me! So we're just waiting for some time that Jeff will have off so he can go to the house and continue with the work! gah!

I have been packing boxes at the apartment, though, and today I brought a trunk load over to the house. It's nice to have some of the boxes out of the way! But I have at least two more trunk loads to bring over, but it's the afternoon now, and this is Alexander's nap time. Perhaps I'll bring over another load tonight, after dinner. maybe.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Work Day #2

Today was a much better day! This morning I dropped Alexander off at Scott and Laura's and they watched him for the morning while I went over to the house and cleaned the downstairs bathroom from top to bottom and the windows on the first floor.

And in the evening, Laura and Karen came to the house with me to finish cleaning. Karen washed the rest of the windows while Laura and I scrubbed the stove clean (oven cleaning to come) and cleaned out the kitchen cabinets - which took longer than I thought!

Then we taped the second floor with painter's tape to get that area ready for primering tomorrow (hopefully!).

While we were doing that, Jeff and Paul were downstairs trying to fill in all the holes and dents made by the previous home owner - there are a lot! But all that needs to be done tomorrow (hopefully) is sanding them down and starting the primering! SO exciting!

A new revelation: I was sort of concerned that the kitchen cabinets were so much higher than they should be (they are 27" above the counter top rather than the 18" that is standard). I wanted Jeff to lower the cabinets, which would take up more of his time, which is rather stretched now as it is. So I am going to buy shelves that I can hang below the top cabinets. I will put on them the everyday items, like our plates and bowls and cups and such. A very clever idea! I can't take credit for this idea, however. Mom gave me the idea first, and Laura offered that suggestion not 30 minutes later! I can't believe I didn't think of that before! The only explanation I can give is that my brain is overloaded with stuff - I can't think properly.

On that note, goodnight.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well, Jeff was able to get a few more outlets working, but we have power in only 45% of the house now, instead of 25%.

On the plus side, Jeff has talked to our electrician friend, Ray, who is going to be able to come by and look at the electrical work and see if something needs to be done about it right away or if he can do some sort of quick fix for it. Ray also priced us out a cost that he would charge us to rewire the house (sort of). He told us that the materials cost about $1,000. He didn't tell us what he would charge for his services, but I'm fairly optimistic! We're not doing the rewiring before we move in, though, which is okay. As long as we CAN move in, that is the main thing.

On the minus side, Jeff and his friend, Paul, took down the back splash in the kitchen. I didn't really care if it stayed up, but I didn't really mention this to Jeff, and Jeff thought I would want it down (because it's really not that attractive), so he and Paul took it down. But what is behind that back splash... well, I'm not really sure. They did it last night, and I'm going to the house this morning. When I asked Jeff last night, he just said, "You'll see it when you go to the house tomorrow morning." I guess he couldn't describe it. We'll see later on!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Work Day #1

Jeff and I had an entire work day planned today at the house. Jeff was going to putty in the holes all over the house, and I was going to set up the painter's tape and start some of the cleaning.

I was able to put up the painter's tape all over the main floor and clean the main floor toilet bowl and bathtub and wipe down the living room floor.

Jeff used the outlet tester he bought, and found out that we have power in only 25% of the house. So he is going to purchase a wire-tester, to see which wires are live. If we find out that they are all live wires, but just not installed correctly, Jeff will be able to fix it all. If we find out that the wires are not live, that means that the wires need to be replaced. which would not be good, since we would have to rewire the whole house - which would cost about $4,000-$5,000 - which we obviously don't have. eek!

Jeff is going back to the house now to check the wires. So I am busy praying that all the wires are live, but just not installed properly, so then we can get it all repaired with little to no cost.

Closing Day

Closing day did not turn out as we expected. I guess we should be expecting the unexpected with this house, eh?

When we put an offer on this house, we gave a $2,000 deposit, which was supposed to be put towards our down payment of $16,900, so we would only have to pay $14,900 plus legal fees to the lawyer. But the mortgage broker chose to put it toward the principal of the house, so we had to pay $16,900 plus $2,000 or so for the other closing costs. which ended up being everything we had in the bank account!

Luckily, my parents were willing to lend us some money so we could do what we need to the house before we move in. So we do have a little bit to work with.
