This blog is to follow the process of renovating our new home.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

More Done

Hey! It's been a while since I've posted anything; but it's also been a while since we've been to the house. Jeff and I spent the last two days at the house all day, and we got a whole bunch done!

We've primer and painted the babies' rooms (2 coats), we've painted the accent wall in the dining room (3 coats), and we've completed 2 coats in the living room (I think 4 may be needed).

We've also moved my parents' old fridge into the house - it's nice to have a cold drink in the middle of the day!

Our electrician, Ray, came over as well and took a closer look at our electrical. All of it works! *sweet* He's going to get us some safety plugs, so the kids won't be able to stick their fingers or anything else in the sockets and get a shock. That's a nice feature.

We also purchased ceiling fans for the dining room and kitchen. The ones that are there now don't work all that well, and are fairly ugly. So we picked them up from Home Depot on sale!

This is the kitchen ceiling fan. It has a remote!
Below is the fan for the dining room:
We've also priced out new counter tops and a back splash for in the kitchen - not too bad!

I have not taken any pictures yet - I keep forgetting my camera - but the next time I go over there, I will bring it and post some pictures!

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