This blog is to follow the process of renovating our new home.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Done

Well, with this second child on the way, I'm extremely tired and unmotivated! But I've organized what I can of the second bedroom, so when we get a bed for Alexander, we can move him right on into his new room! I'll be painting his door either tonight or tomorrow, so that will be done!

I've finally unpacked all of my clothes, except for the ones that need to hang - I need a clothes rail for that first. We also need to purchase some more of the paint that we will be using to paint our bedroom - 'Steely Gray' it's called, it's a gray-blue colour, I like it a lot.

And I've also organized the majority of the office; I only need a desk for my stamping stuff, a couple of shelves, and a curtain in front of the closet to make it look cleaner, then I'll be done the office!

I still want to at least primer the second floor bathroom; it's still that awful brown colour, but we may just hold off on that until we know which colour we're going to paint the bathroom - still not quite sure.

Anyways, pictures will not be posted until the rooms are finished! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Post Move-In

Well, we've moved in!

Most of everything is organized. I still have to do some finishing touches in the baby's room and the office, and I would like a rail to hang my clothes on in our bedroom, but we've been living in the house for a couple of weeks, and it's been GREAT!!!

More to come later...
