This blog is to follow the process of renovating our new home.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Extended Closing Date

Well. This is a bit of a bummer. Our house in PEI has sold, and one of the requirements is that a water test be done to determine nitrate levels. Apparently, it was 2 points higher than it was supposed to be. So we need to get reverse osmosis put on the well to lower that level.

However, the lender of our buyers will not forward any funds until a second water test is done after the reverse osmosis is installed, which takes up to 10 days. Since we are only 2 days away from the closing date, our buyers are pushing the closing date to May 28.

Which means that we have to push forward our closing date for this house as well. I'm hoping for May 31. So our closing date is extended 2 weeks. What a headache! But it's nothing that we could have expected. I just hope everything goes smoothly.
